In this week, I am going to light up my scene with different kind of CG Light, include point,directional,spot light. The followings is my works.
Mood1 ( sense of mystery)
(pic download from:
I want to show the mood as a kind of wonderland, which is something unpredictable and won't appear in the real world, just like the Film poster of " Alice in the Wonderland". The background color is bright,but the surroundings is darken.
Therefore, I use the green picture as my scene's walkpaper, to show a sense of mystery I mainly use green color for those light.
For some objects I don't want them to share the same light together, so I apply the "Relationship Editors - Light Linking" , in order to break the light link connection for some objects.
In the light editor, I assgin the shadow for those items, so that they look like the real one.
This is the final render picture for the Mysterious mood.
Mood2( relaxing moment--In the evening)
I want to create the mood as relexing moment in the evening. As in this period of time, I can see the sunset out my window, and I feel relaxing. I think that at that moment, I can feel the soft sunlight and I can take a look at the sun, since sun shine won't be too bright!
As the mood is warm and soft, so I mainly use orange for the light color.
Such as the cartoon "Brother Bear", the mood is warm and relax.
I try to add the image of sunset for the environment insde the Render Camera.
It helps me a lot for creating the scene, just add a directional light insde the room, I already see the effects through the render camera.
To match the evening mood, I adjust the light color to orange yellow.
To generate the shadow for those objects, I use ray trace shadow because I want to show the details of my glass cup.
This is the mood of relaxing.
This is the one before I added the shadows.
Mood3 Lonely in the dark( the scene of night with moonlight outside)
(pic from: Disney offical website)
I want to create a scene which is in a dark room at night, but there is some light source come from outside, may be the door or the windows.
So I create a spotlight with blue color, that give us a sense of cool and darken.
Then I add a point light to be the light source come from outside, as I find that the point light let the viewers see the light source of the light.